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A member registered Jun 27, 2020

Recent community posts

Somebody, dm them. Or dm to the artist, or to the composer, just please qwq

I can't do that cause I don't have twitter account and I don't think I'm able to do smth about it...

My first time going through this VN. That's a masterpiece for sure. Hope to see more.

Thank you for your great work

Я тоже сижу на патреоне, и после поста General Update ничего не было. General - это не Обнова новеллы. Это типа как последние новости, информационка скажем так. Так что и те кто играет бесплатно, и платные подписчики ждут уже месяца два с половиной.

I am the only one who's strange here, cause I named him "Deidara". I'm maniacal Naruto's fan

Ну. Ты пошел по самому ожидаемому руту. Ноги не ломаются - поезд их перерезает. А так да.

Меееееех. Забудь про Эхо пока что. Тяжело, она крайне массивная, уровень там ого-го. Но как хочешь. Хотя в таком случае сначала надо в Адастру сыгрануть (плюсом два мелких сиквела: Кхемия и Энтерия).

Тоже по Эйдену пошёл? Хитрый хрен)))
Попробуй, кстати, Припев Рассвета почитать или FBTW

There's a MEGA link. It just doesn't work xD

There was an android version, guys. I played it about... 8 months ago, maybe?... And now, they just deleted the download link. Idk why. I wanted to reread the VN today aaaand.... The link isn't there. It's a shame...

Wow, God, I didn't even expect!. Would it be hard to get the NSFW scene?

I'm first!

It's been a couple months!

*wating patiently*


Hooo boi, this one is purrrfect. Finally, the new update with Torulf's route ><

Guys, the melody right in the main menu is soooo amazing!

Nothing, I'm afraid...

I know Russian. Don't know Spanish, but it sounds cool

(1 edit)

I had an operation on my stomach today...

I mustn't laugh...


Fuck, again? Do you guys.... Like... Think just about watching some porn in this VN?

It is okay, boy. You're doing a great job. Your English is not a problem, don't worry. New sprite? You'll make it when it'll be possible and nobody will dare to say something bad to you.

The novel is great. And updates are not poor

Good luck, waitin' for new update <3

Sorry, I forgot to ask you. You got sick a month ago... Are you okay now? How's your health?

Ow gawd, I didn't know it >\\\<


Uhhh.. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but there is no new text in this update...

Oh gawd oh gawd oh gawd I'm first

It's 3.30 am, I was waiting for the update and i really don't wanna sleep.

Wow, we'll see a gallery! It's cool

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New Mason looks cooler I think..

Love u, happy New Year!

Hey Rook. U are a good boi, u know? :3

I already wrote a lot of comments about how I love this VN.

So I can say that I love not only game, but I also love yooou^^

Happy New Year! Big cute dork~

Love u too, big cute dork <3

You did a really good job, guys^^

It's a shame I can't become a patron (for some stupid personal reasons), so I'm looking forward to the public update!

You are doing a great job.

Unfortunately, recently it has not been possible to find a furry visual novel that has been made with diligence.

What I like most about this VN is calmness and fluidity of the story (I hope it is lexically right?  "Fluidity of the story", I mean. My english is bad >\\\<)

Just keep working, you're best.

Of course we all are horny little bastards, so we want NSFW. But yeah, even if it is SFW only it is still best VN ever, ya know?

Базару ноль, суровый мужик)))

Мне 16, давай на "ты" :D

Сокрытая твоя сторона? Очень даже интересно. Хотя, про меня то же самое в какой-то степени сказать можно.

Thanks for the update, master!~

Merry Christmas!

Так, ладно. И тут мне стало очень даже любопытно и страшно, ибо давай ты (вы?) сам попытаешься отгадать разницу в возрасте ;~;

Пиво вкусное, но возят только по ближним странам.

Квас же, именно тёмный, видали и в Италии, и в Швеции, и где только нету его)))

Борода, мотоциклы, косуха.... И гейские фуррячие новеллы. Я прям аж ооочень хотел бы поболтать, это интересно)))

я так понял ты кто-то очень взрослый ^•^

Ну, я не жалуюсь. Несмотря на политические разборки и всю эту шнягу - лично мне спокойно живётся. Город небольшой, Лида называется. 100к где-то. В столице редко бываю, не нужна она мне.

Я тоже редко вижу на этом сайте хоть кого-то русскоговорящего, обычно только америкосы. Приятно встретить тебя)

We speak russiann or belorussian. People,  who live in the west of the country use even Polish language.

The name of my country is beautiful, I should agree. But there's no beautiful landscapes, only forests, a lot of rivers and flatlands.

Ohhh, and, of course... It is one of the Old Soviet countries, so... No LGBTQ. F*ck it.

I am from... Belarus.

You probably don't even know about this country. There are mountains in Brazil, right? I really like mountains, but in Belarus there are none at all.

Hoooo, it is a really great language, isnt it? ^•^

Can I ask, where are u from?

I hope he won't, it would be sooo uninteresting.  ;w;

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Hope Aiden's route will be as interesting in future as it is now. Really liked the wolfguy, wanna know more about him. The whole novel is great, tbh. Physics... It is something new to me :)

I've read a lot of furry visual novels, just because they all are cool and reading helps me to improve my english, though my mom doesn't understand my interest in english... Yup, she is kinda a strange woman ^•^

So, guys... Keep working, 'kay? I like the whole idea of this novel.

Love u all <3

P.S. sry for bad English and any lexical mistakes, eng is not my native language >\\\<

We are still waiting.

I am still waiting.

This story just really took my soul.